Helping organisations implement OneTrust

OneTrust Implementation

We’ll build it,

you use it.


OneTrust Implementation Services


Implementing OneTrust is not just a ‘technical’ project…it is also a ‘people’ project. If your end users like it, they will use it, and the Privacy Office will have the data it needs to manage privacy risks.


Assessment Automation

The jewel in OneTrust’s crown is Assessment Automation. You can use this to assess vendors, assets, processing activities, departments, business units and security safeguards. We can build you a working assessment based on your criteria within a week…and configure reports and corresponding inventories.

Data Mapping

If you have Assessment Automation, then you will also have Data Mapping which is where your inventories are. These are populated by your assessments.

If you have existing data, then implementation can be very complicated. If you’re starting from scratch then it’s easy. The important thing is to build it properly from the start so you don’t have the painful task later on of re-configuring existing data uploaded incorrectly. 

Data Subject Rights Requests

Enabling data subjects to make DSR requests is a combination of creating/publishing web forms (accessed on your website) and building the workflow behind it which ensures that the right people are assigned the right tasks and that requests are processed quickly and efficiently. This often needs to support many languages and contain different branding.

Privacy Self-Assessments (Demonstrating Compliance)

Assessment Automation or Maturity and Planning can help you launch Privacy Self-Assessments in your business to monitor your ability to demonstrate compliance. We can help you select the right module, build an effective assessment process, and even write evidence collection questions. Scoring and weighting mechanisms also available but these may be outside the OneTrust system.


Embedding OneTrust

OneTrust implementation is a project with the usual stages, Definition, Initiation, Planning, Execution, Monitoring & Control, and Closure. It’s common to focus on the configuration of the tool and to underestimate how difficult it can be to get everyone to use it afterwards. At every step of building the tools we always think about how we are going to sell and launch it afterwards. We can work with you to create the campaign to roll out the modules starting with the essential ‘why’ to get buy it then to explain the ‘how’ through slides, videos, presentations and one-to-one coaching of key individuals. This raises the profile of the privacy office and is part of embedding a culture of privacy.

Ongoing Support

If we build it for you and hand it over for you to use, then you will still need occasional support maintaining or modifying your tools. We do not seek to duplicate OneTrust services which are available to you for free…only to provide additional services to review, modify or advise on how your modules are configured so you get the most out of them.

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